Catalog of Compton's Dahlia Farm 1955

By: Historic Dahlia Archives


Time to read 2 min

This article is adapted from a dahlia catalog published in 1955 by Compton's Dahlia Farm of Boring, Oregon.

This is unusual in that it is a wholesale catalog intended for the use of nurseries and other plant retailers.

This publication is in the public domain.

Compton's Wholesale Dahlia Tubers (1955)

To Our Customers:

To insure your satisfaction and that of your customers we take pride in selecting only choice tubers for your order. Each tuber is individually inspected just prior to shipping and is carefully packed to insure satisfactory delivery.


We guarantee our dahlia tubers to be true to name and of highest quality. If stock is not completely satisfactory when received, return the same at once and your money will be promptly refunded. We want you to be completely satisfied and if for some reason you do have a complaint please advise us within 10 days of receipt of shipment.


We are located 20 miles southeast of Portland on Mt. Hood highway, U.S. 26. Visitors are always welcome to inspect our plantings and handling facilities. Blooming time from mid-August to late October.


Our dahlia clumps are washed clean and separated at digging time. Ventilated storage is held at a near constant 50 degrees F. Fungicides are used to control damaging molds.


Culture varies with locality but a few things are constant in all areas. Plant dahlia tubers about 5 inches deep and horizontal in an area of near full sunlight. Water heavily at planting time and thereafter as needed for optimum growth. Pinching the top terminal shoot from dahlia plant after four sets of leaves have developed will cause branching and development of more and better quality blooms without staking.


If freezing weather prevails along the shipping route it is a good idea to check your shipment at once for frost damage. If damage is evident contact your carrier agency at once and advise us of their decision. Present your invoice and carrier bill of lading to them for any claims. 

We ship by insured carriers and any claim for damage en route must be submitted to them. Store your dahlias in a cool dry place that has good ventilation. It is important to keep the tubers stored in their shipping medium or similar material to eliminate shriveling. 

When displaying the tubers for sale, display only a moderate number and keep the main supply covered. Do not display dahlias in sunlight or near a heating plant.

Dahlia Varieties for Wholesale Customers (1955)

Please note that this information is provided for historic reference only. We do not have these dahlias for sale. One dollar in 1955 is worth about $11.50 today.


Where possible we are sending along color pictures to stimulate sales and these should be displayed with the tubers. Eyes will be evident on all tubers but oftentimes the layman will not recognize the dormant eye. 

Use slightly damp peat moss on the tubers displayed to stimulate sprout growth. A green sprout is worth a million words and adds much sales appeal. 

If sprouts break off or become too long and must be cut off, a new one will develop in the same terminal. Moist, growing tubers will sell four to one over the dry dormant stock. Do not display the tubers near a heat unit or in the sunlight.


Prices are all F.O.B. Gresham, Oregon. New accounts please send cash with order. Net thirty days. No charge for packing materials or shipping containers. We ship via Express or Auto Freight unless otherwise instructed. 

We ship in lightweight wirebound or cardboard containers. If delivery by parcel post is desired please include sufficient postage with your remittance. Excess postage will be refunded. 


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