This article is adapted from a dahlia catalog published in 1924 by Edymel Dahlia Farm of Santa Cruz, California.
This copyright-free publication is in the public domain.

New Decorative Dahlias
Please note that this information is provided for historic reference only. We do not have these dahlias for sale. One dollar in 1924 is worth about $18 today.
Our Own Introductions
Claude Harlan — This is without a doubt the best clear lavender Dahlia. The flower is very large, the petals have a soft wavy appearance which makes the flower very delicate and beautiful. A splendid flower for florists work, as it is an excellent keeper when cut. Long stiff stems. Good for all purposes. April Delivery. $5.00.
Panathea — Bright orange flower of fine form and good size, held high above the bush on stiff stems. Good for both garden and cutting. $2.50.
Susan Magill — A flower which was admired by all visitors to the garden. The large blossom is held high on a long stiff* stem. The color is a deep shade of lilac, and the bushes are loaded with bloom the entire season. Very attractive in the garden and good for cutting. April delivery. $5.00.
Welcome — A giant decorative of fine form and great depth, petals quite broad. The color is a lovely shade of ivory, blending to a soft yellow, the reverse of petals a deep apricot. Is a dwarf grower and the first bloom will come low in the bush and should be well disbudded. The late flowers are all large and stand up well on good heavy stems. Lasts for days when cut. April delivery. $3.50.

Decorative Dahlias for Sale in 1924
Alex. Waldie — Immense flowers, held erect on strong stems. Coloring is a creamy ground overlaid with delicate salmon-pink. $5.00.
Al Koran — Yellow suffused with gold and amber. The petals are wavy and make the flower quite attractive. Long stiff stem. $3.50.
Amun Ra — Very large decorative, of deep rich shades of copper and orange, shading to gold and amber held high on a long stiff stem. $3.50.
Anna Maier — Large flowers on long wiry stems. A pinkish red, blending to a soft yellowish red towards the center. $1.50.
Bazaar — One of the best flowers originated by Miss Oliver. The coloring is a delicate blending of red and gold. The flowers are perfect throughout the season and held on long strong stems. $5.00.
Byron — Deep crimson maroon on good stems. 75c.
California Superba — Beautiful large flower of a soft delicate ])ink. shading white to center. Good stems. $5.00.

Cambria — Rich pink, toning to white in the center. Long rigid stems and a very free bloomer. $2.00.
Carolyn Wintgen — Lovely shade of salmon pink, shaded rose, excellent form and a favorite cut flower. $1.00.
Champagne — A gorgeous bloom of enormous size, held high on long stiff stems. The color is a soft blending of dull golden champagne varying to chamois. $7.50.
Dark Eye — Flesh pink with dark lavender center. 75c.
Della V. Potter — A pleasing shade of lavender with pink sheen. $1.00.
Dr. Tevis — Immense blossom of soft salmon rose, suffused with old gold. Carried on long stiff stems. $1.00.
Dusky Princess — Rich deep red. The petals have an unusual corded effect. 75c.
Earle Williams — Crimson and white. A good flower on strong stem. $5.00.
Ellen Ridgeway — White shaded and suffused with lavender.
El Dorado — Immense blossom of pure gold deepening at the base of the petals. Held on long stiff stems. $10.00.
Evelyn Adamson — A charming shade of rosy fawn pink, suffused with gold. $2.00.
Golden Glow — A 1922 introduction. Good sized flower on long stiff stem. The color is a beautiful shade of golden apricot. Excellent cut flower. $1.50.

Good Bye Delice — A medium sized flower of a pure pink, on good stems. $2.00.
Harry Davidson — A rich mulberry shading to gold. $1.00.
Halvella — Large flower of rose pink held on a long stiff stem. $5.00.
Insulinde — Extra large flower with Inroad wavy petals, of a rich golden orange, overlaid with a golden sheen, shading deeper toward the center, with old rose on reverse of petals. Long wiry stems. $2.00.
Jane Selby — Blossom large of delicate mauve pink. Excellent stem and good keeping qualities. 75c.
John Alden — Royal purple blossom held on a long stout stem. Splendid for cutting. $2.50.
John Lewis Childs — Yellow suffused, striped and splashed with crimson scarlet, and generally tipped white. Excellent cut flowers. $2.00.
Judge Marean — Glowing salmon pink, red iridescent orange, yellow and pure gold. Profuse bloomer on long stem. $5.00.
J. W. Davies — An immense flower of the deepest shade of cerise to the center, blending lighter toward the tips of the petals. Line stem and profuse bloomer. $4.00.
Kittie Dunlap — Large flowers on long firm stems. Color is a delightful shade of American Beauty rose. Good for cutting. $4.00.
La Mascotte — A lovely flower and something different. The petals are silvery with a deep viiolet reverse. $2.50.
Le Grand Manitou — White ground striped and speckled violet. 50c.

Lotus — The blossom is large and of a new shape described as water-lily. The color is flame or a bright orange. Good cut flower. $1.50.
Loyalty — Royal purple of immense size on long stiff stem. $2.00.
Mary C. Burns — Outside of petals are old gold, and the reverse a dull red. Large flowers on good strong stems. A great favorite. $2.00.
Millie Rogers — Old gold shading to amber. Fine form and good cut flower. $1.00.
Mrs. Carl Salbach — An excellent large decorative of a beautiful shade of pink shading lighter to the center. The immense blooms held erect on extra long, strong stems. A perfect cut flower and exhibition variety. $1.00.
Mrs. I. De Ver Warner — Large flowers of a rich mauve pink. Long stiff stems, prolific bloomer and good cut flower. $3.50.
Mrs. Paul J. Audette — Flowers exceptionally beautiful. Color golden buff and orange with a suffusion of rose. Large full blossoms on very stiff long stems. $2.00.
Mrs. R. R. Strange — Beautiful Autumn colored flower so much in demand. Color burnished copper with gold shadings. Good exhibition and cut flower. $1.00.
Nobilis — A charming decorative of large size. A blending of brilliant crimson and white. One of the most attractive flowers in the garden. $2.50.
Osam Shadow — Very large flower. Color a beautiful blending of old rose slightly suffused with lilac and shading to a soft yellow toward the center. The stems are long and stiff and the blossom stands well above the foliage. $4.00.

Patrick O’Mara — Orange buff, tipped rose of medium size. Splendid cut flower. $1.00.
Paul Michael — A flower which can be grown to an enormous size. Color, pure gold. Splendid exhibition variety. Has twice been awarded the prize as the largest blossom in California shows. $3.00.
Pride of California — Large deep red flowers of fine form and keeping qualities held high on long rigid stems. 75c.
Princess Pat — A most beautiful flower of old rose, deepeningtoward center. Flowers large and perfectly formed on long stout stems. $2.00.
Rainbow — Splendid big blossom of old gold heavily suffused with Oriental red. $1.50.
Rookwood — The color is more like the Mrs. Chas. Russell rose. It is a pure bright cerise rose, of lovely form. The immense flowers are held high on long straight stiff stems. A great favorite. $5.00.
Rosa Nell — Color a clear l:)right rose, which attracts immediate attention. The flowers are immense and of perfect form on extra long wiry stems. Does well in a warm climate. $2.50.
Royal Gold — Medium sized flowers of golden amber. Free bloomer with good stem. $1.00.
Sequoia Gigantea — Large yellow flower on long stiff stem. Excellent for exhibition and cutting. $2.00.
Senorita — Giant decorative of rich velvety crimson, held erect on extra long stems. Has won many prizes. $3.00.
Shudow’s Lavander — 1921 Introduction of great merit. Large splendid 1)loom of silvery lavender slightly shading to white. Held on long stiff stems well above its attractive lace-like foliage. A great prize winner. $5.00.
Sunshine — Brilliant scarlet tipped yellow. Good exhibition variety. $1.00.
The Emperor — Beautiful deep maroon, the flower is made up of long flat petals ; the color does not spot under any weather conditions. $10.00.
The Grizzly — Without a doubt this is one of the best and most prolific Dahlias to date. Immense flowers of a rich dark velvety maroon. Blooms are held high on extra long stout stems. $1.50.
The Millionaire — Mammoth flowers of delicate lavender pink. $1.00.
Theodore Vail — A color much in demand. Old gold shading to apricot. Extra long stems. 75c.
The Wizard of Oz — An immense Dahlia of a rare shade of a glowing amber pink. Blossom held on strong stiff stems. Stock limited. $15.00.
Tommy Atkins — The brightest flower in the garden. The color is a flaming scarlet. Flower large size on long stiff stem. $4.00.
Tryphinnie — Beautiful flower of shell pink, shading lighter at the tips of the petals. Reverse of petals a rich pink. Held high above the bush on long rigid stems. Good cut flower. $2.50.
Vanity — The color is a glowing coral pink, blooms well all season on strong stems. Good cut flower. $2.00.
Vivian C. Butler — Rich velvety dark red Dahlia. Fine stem and excellent cut flower. $1.00.
W. E. Cooper — Large blossom of clear true pink with no suggestion of lavender. $5.00.
Cactus Dahlias for Sale in 1924
Abbie E. Wilkins — A Hybrid Cactus of true type. The rolled petals are a light flesh, with reverse of cerise. $1.50.
Ambassador — Color is a soft yellow center with salmon, amber and pink shadings, gradually deepening towards the tips of the petals. Of enormous size and held high on very long straight stems. Has been awarded many prizes. $7.50.
A. R. Perry — Old rose tipped with gold. 75c.
Ballet Girl — The greater percentage of flowers are orange, with white edge. Others pure orange, and some white edged orange, all large and beautiful. A great favorite. $2.00.
British Lion — Bronzy yellow suffused with reddish terracotta. $1.50.
California Enchantress — An enormous bloom of pale pink, on long stiff stem. Splendid cut flower. $1.50.
Cigarette — H. C. 1922 Introduction, creamy white, heavily edged with orange, but no two flowers alike. $5.00.
Claremont — H. C. Delicate soft rose pink, with cream shadings. Long curly petals. Fine in every way. $2.00.
Cora J. Hoffmann — Our 1922 Introduction — Hybrid Cactus of large size. The color is a charming shade of deep cerise, shading lighter toward the edge of the petals. Flowers held high above the bushes on long straight stems. Most excellent garden and cut flower variety. $3.50.

Daddy Butler — Large hybrid cactus of rosy carmine. The reverse of petals a much lighter shade. Perfect stem and good cut flower. $3.50.
E. F. Hawes — Fine Cactus of clear delicate pink, on straight stiff stems. One of the best. 75c.
Edith Carter — Yellow suffused and tipped carmine, on very erect stems. Fine cut flower. 50c.
Elsie Oliver — An enormous Hybrid Cactus. The coloring is creamy pinks, shading to cream in the center. The bushes are laden with blooms all season. A flower which is greatly admired. $5.00.
Empire — American cactus type. Color is raspberry red and the bushes are always loaded with immense bloom. One of the best cut flowers. $4.00.
Esther Hunt— Vivid colored flowers of oriental orange. The large blooms are composed of long, well rolled petals with serrated tips. This hybrid cactus never shows center. $4.00.
Evelyn M. Dane — Large pink and cream flowers on good stems. A splendid variety. $3.00.
G. A. B. S. — H. C. Deep golden orange shading to bronzy red in the center. $1.50.
Geo. Walters — H. C. Pinkish salmon suffused with gold. One of the largest and best. 75c.
Gee Whiz — Enormous size, color soft buff shaded with salmon. $3.50.
Gladys Bates- — Beautiful American Cactus of fine form. Immense blossom, color tan, reverse of petals rose. Stout stem. $2.00.
Gladys Sherwood — The largest white hybrid cactus, deep and full to the center, with good stems. Highly recommended for garden or exhibition. $1.50.
Golden West — American cactus of rich shade of gold on good stem and a fine cut flower. 50c.
Helen Durnbaugh — Hybrid cactus of pink shading to white. Good stem and keeping qualities the best. 75c.
Islam Patrol — Very dark velvety scarlet, tipped and flushed with pure gold on very long stiff stems. Very attractive hybrid cactus. Stock limited. $7.50.
Laurine — Very large flower of a beautiful deep pink shade. Each petal is long and stands out separately, giving it a striking appearance. $7.50.
La Favorita— H. C. A splendid variety of brilliant orange. Good for cutting. $1.00.
Magnificent — Ground color Oriental buff overlaid with rosy salmon. Very free bloomer. $1.00.
Matador=H. C. Lovely flower of rich old rose. 75c.
Mrs. C. Cooper — One of the largest cactus dahlias, on good stems, and free bloomer. Color cream, outer petals lightly suffused salmon. 75c.
Mrs. Edna Spencer — Color lavender, shading to white, good sized flower on long stem. Highly recommended as a cut flower. $1.00.
Mrs. Ethel F. T. Smith — Hybrid of very large size. Cream white shading to lemon. Good stem. $2.00.
Mrs. Margaret Stredwick — Beautiful incurved English cactus. Coloring a combination of pink tints. $2.00.
Mrs. W. E. Estes — Large pure snow white Hybrid of lovely form carried on long strong stems. $1.50.
Pierrot — Large blossom of deep amber tipped white. 50c.
Regent — Large American cactus of clear mauve pink. Incurved formation of flower, is very pleasing. Fee bloomer. $2.00.
Snowdrift — A. C. Glistening snow-white of splendid form on long stiff stems and excellent keeping qualities. $1.00.
Spa—H. C. Beautiful large flowers of the deepest shade of lilac on erect stems. Dwarf grower. $1.50.
Syria — Hybrid cactus. A fancy of rose and canary yellow striped and splashed with dark cardinal. $5.00.
Tom Lundy — Large rich crimson flowers. 75c.
Union Jack — Bright red incurved, petals tipped white, very free flowering. 75c.
Valiant II — Large flowers of bright crimson, incurved petals. $1.00.
Yellow King — Clear lemon yellow on long upright stems. 50c.
Yellow Chrysanthemum — Large fluffy flowers with numerous petals, which are slightly twisted, giving it an unusual and attractive appearance. $2.00.
Peony Dahlias for Sale in 1924
Agnes Boston — Royal purple shading to white. The petals are long and curling. Good sized flower with fair stem. $3.50.
Blue Bird — Enormous blossom of the deepest tone of mauve or lilac, held on long stiff stems. $1.50.
Chanson — Very large flower of deepest lilac with a Iffuish sheen. Petals numerous, broad and flat, erect stem. $2.00.
City of Portland — Immense flowers of a beautiful rich clear yellow on good stems. Perfect exhibition flower. $1.50.

Cream King — Lovely flower of soft creamy yellow. 75c.
Edith Cavell — Immense flower of reddish bronze and old gold, on long stout stem. $1.50.
Edith Wooster — A very flue flower of pleasing shades of soft yellow, overlaid red. Good bloomer and splendid stem. $1.00.
Eleanor Herrick — Large peony on long straight stem. Color is uncommon, a light maroon. $1.00.
Gorgeous — Very large flower of yellow, shading to bright scarlet. Held high on exceedingly long stiff stems. A prize winner. $3.00.
Meyerbeer — Large flowers of deep maroon. 75c.
Fay King — Received Highest Award at The Dahlia Society of California Trial Gardens, Berkeley, Calif., 1922. Very attractive flower which grows to an enormous size. Color is an odd shade of rose, with streaks of scarlet. Reverse of petals a light purple which shows as the numerous twisted and curled petaloids surround the center. The bushes are loaded with bloom all season. Splendid exhibition variety, also fine for cutting and attractive in the garden. Long stiff stems. April delivery. $5.00.

Mrs. Jim McCandless — Old gold shading to apricot. Good size on straight stems. $3.00.
My Lady — Immense blooms of an unusual red with a faint cerise suffusion and slightly tipped gold. Strong stems ; free bloomer. $1.50.
Natalie Mai — Burgundy and maroon shading, creamy pink to edge. $1.00.
Pearl Ruggles — An exquisite pink shading lighter to the tips. Free bloomer on good stem. $1.50.
The Billionaire — Enormous flowers of a beautiful deep shade of gold. Pendant stem. $1.00.
The Oriole — An attractive big blossom of autumn shades, burnt orange, red and yellow, many of the flowers shading to white at the tips. $3.50.
Walta Linforth — Charming flower of warm carmine. Prolific bloomer on good stem. 75c.
Show & Hybrid Show Dahlias for Sale in 1924
Anna Rehorst— H. S. Dark rich purple. 50c.
Betty Bird — Glowing rose pink with a suggestion of yellow at the base. Flowers large and a perfect Hybrid Show type on long wiry stems. Stock limited. $5.00.
Clara Seaton — H. S. Rich golden bronze. 75c.
Colonist — Chocolate and fawn. Perfect form. 75c.
General Haig — Best scarlet of fine form. $1.00.
Glorie de Lyon — The best white show. 50c.
Golden Opportunity — Buttercup yellow, orange to center. One of the best. $2.50.
Les Amours De Madame — Cerise striped darker. 50c.
Mrs. Bottomly — Rosy lilac. 50c.
Yuban— H. S. Very large yellow striped and speckled red. 75c.
Collarette Dahlias for Sale in 1924
Aunt Dinah — Dark maroon, collar a lighter shade. 50c.
Cream Cup — Large creamy white, collar white. 50c.
Dora Fisher — Beautiful shade of pink. 50c.
Geant De Lyon — Enormous flower of velvety maroon, with long, white collar. Greatly in demand as a cut flower. 75c.
Mrs. John Gallwey — Large yellow shaded with scarlet. $1.00.
Raphael Velasco — A most striking dahlia. Deep maroon, collar white. 75c.
Sour. Bel Accueil — Orange red with yellow collar, quite large and beautiful. 50c.
Wm. Welsh — One of the best collarettes. Bright yellow with long collar of same color. 50c.
Pompon Dahlias for Sale in 1924
Pompons are tiny compact little flowers, more like diminutive Show Dahlias. They are invaluable for cutting and decorating purposes.
Ace of Diamonds — Bright scarlet, best for warm location. 50c.
Aimee — A small flower of bronze on very long stems. 75c. Crusoe — White edged rose. 50c.
Daisy — Salmon rose. Very good. 50c.
Dark Eye — Pure white ground with lavender tips, dark center. 50c.
Douglas Tucker — Golden yellow with crimson center. 50c. Eureka — Bronze shading to yellow. 50c.
Flame — Good flower of bright flame color. Blooms freely on long stems. New. 75c.
George Ireland — Beautiful mauve. 50c.
Girlie — Pure lilac, very popular. 50c.

Glow — Beautiful shade of old rose. 50c.
Ideal — Clear light yellow of perfect form. 50c.
Jazz — Fine flower of a raspberry shade on very long stems. Free bloomer. 75c.
Johnnie — Dark red, very tiny and of perfect form. 50c.
Kim — An orange which holds center. 50c.
Little Beeswing — Golden yellow edged cherry red, very tiny and of perfect form. 50c.
Little Donald — Dark crimson, small and good form. 50c.
Little Bugler — Splendid flower of deep cerise. 50c.
Neatness — Apricot with cream center. 50c.
Nellie Frazer — Beautiful flower of shaded pink. 50c.
Pee Wee — Soft yellow, center shading to brown. 75c.
Phyllis — Yellow shaded and edged red. Fine. 50c.
Regulus — (Incorrectly called Little Dorritt) — Purplish maroon, small. 50c.
Sunset — Deep shade of orange. 50c.
Tiny Tim — Very small, dainty pink. $1.00.